Can I Paint a Plastic Tub and Shower?

Have you ever looked at your old, dingy plastic bathtub and wished you could give it a fresh new look? You may be wondering if it’s possible to paint a plastic tub. The answer is yes, you can paint a plastic tub, but there are certain steps you need to follow to ensure a successful outcome.


                          Is It Possible To Paint Plastic?

First, it’s important to understand that not all types of paint will work on plastic surfaces. You’ll need to use a paint that is specifically designed for plastic materials. Additionally, you’ll need to properly prepare the surface of the tub before painting, which may involve cleaning, sanding, and applying a primer. With the right tools and techniques, you can transform your plastic tub into a beautiful, updated feature in your bathroom.


A corner garden tub in a mobile home

                      Reasons to Paint Your Plastic Tub

Cheaper Option

If you’re looking for an affordable way to give your bathroom a new look, painting your plastic tub is a great option. Replacing a bathtub can be a costly and time-consuming process, while painting your tub can be done quickly and at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, painting your plastic tub can be a DIY project, which means you can save even more money by not hiring a professional.

For the best paint / tub shower paint click here to order this right to your doorstep.  There are a few options to choose from.  


A tub with black stains in the bottom of it

Improved Appearance

Painting your plastic tub can transform the look of your bathroom. If your tub is stained, discolored, or has scratches, painting can cover up those imperfections and give your tub a fresh, new look. You can choose from a variety of colors to match your bathroom decor or to create a new color scheme.



When done correctly, painting your plastic tub can be a durable solution. High-quality paint and proper preparation can ensure that the paint adheres well and lasts a long time. Additionally, painting can protect your tub from further damage and prevent future discoloration or staining.

In conclusion, painting your plastic tub is a cost-effective way to improve the appearance of your bathroom. It’s a great DIY project that can be done quickly and with a variety of color options. With proper preparation and high-quality paint, painting your plastic tub can be a durable solution that lasts for years to come.

Mobile home maintenance is important.  Read more on our article here.  


                         Best Paint To Use For Your Tub

When it comes to painting a plastic tub, choosing the right type of paint is crucial for a long-lasting and durable finish. Here are three different types of paint that work well for tubs:


Epoxy Paint

Epoxy paint is a popular choice for painting plastic tubs because it is durable and long-lasting. It is also resistant to chemicals and abrasions. Epoxy paint is a two-part system that requires mixing before use. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure proper application and curing time.

Here’s a before and after of epoxy paint wow!

A badly stained tub and shower
A new white shower and toilet in a bathroom

Acrylic Paint

Acrylic paint is another option for painting plastic tubs. It is easy to apply and dries quickly. Acrylic paint is also available in a variety of colors and finishes. However, it may not be as durable as epoxy paint and may require touch-ups over time.

Shower paint used below for approximately $65 – $80 a much cheaper alternative.  


A before and after of a shower unit cleaned

Spray Paint

Spray paint is a convenient option for painting plastic tubs because it is easy to apply and dries quickly. It is important to choose a spray paint specifically designed for plastic surfaces. Spray paint may not be as durable as epoxy or acrylic paint and may require touch-ups over time.

When choosing the best paint for your tub, consider factors such as durability, ease of application, and the desired finish. It is also important to properly prepare the surface before painting and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and curing time.


               Can I Paint Fiberglass Showers & Tubs

If you have a fiberglass tub that is looking worn out or outdated, you might be wondering if it can be painted. The good news is that fiberglass tubs can be painted, and it can be a cost-effective way to update the look of your bathroom. However, there are some things you should keep in mind before you start.

First, it’s important to note that not all types of paint are suitable for use on fiberglass. You’ll need to use a paint that is specifically designed for use on fiberglass surfaces. Look for a high-quality, two-part epoxy paint that is formulated for use on tubs and showers.

Before You Paint: Tips

Before you start painting, you’ll need to thoroughly clean the tub to remove any dirt, grime, or soap scum. Use a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the surface of the tub. Once the tub is clean, rinse it thoroughly and allow it to dry completely.

Next, you’ll need to sand the surface of the tub to create a rough surface that the paint can adhere to. Use a fine-grit sandpaper and sand in a circular motion, being careful not to sand too hard or too long in any one spot. Once you’ve sanded the entire surface of the tub, wipe it down with a damp cloth to remove any dust or debris.

A heavily stained shower unit

         Its Time to Apply the Paint to the Plastic Tub or Shower

Now it’s time to apply the paint. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, mixing the two-part epoxy paint as directed. Use a paintbrush or roller to apply the paint in thin, even coats, being sure to cover the entire surface of the tub. You may need to apply several coats, depending on the color and coverage you’re looking for.

Finally, allow the paint to dry completely before using the tub. This can take several days, so be sure to plan accordingly. Once the paint is dry, you can enjoy your newly updated fiberglass tub for years to come.

In summary, you can paint a fiberglass tub with the right type of paint and proper preparation. Be sure to use a high-quality, two-part epoxy paint designed for use on tubs and showers, thoroughly clean and sand the surface of the tub, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. With a little bit of effort, you can update the look of your bathroom without breaking the bank.

Looking for mobile home upgrade ideas read this article.  

                          Painting a Plastic Shower

If you are considering painting a plastic shower, there are a few things you should know before you get started. While it is possible to paint a plastic shower, it is important to do it correctly in order to ensure that the paint adheres properly and lasts for a long time.

First, you will need to clean the plastic shower thoroughly to remove any dirt, grime, or soap scum that may be on the surface. Use a mild detergent and warm water to clean the shower, and rinse it thoroughly with clean water.

Once the shower is clean and dry, you will need to sand the surface lightly to create a rough texture that will help the paint adhere. Use a fine-grit sandpaper, and be careful not to sand too hard or you may damage the plastic.

Next, you will need to apply a primer to the surface of the shower. Look for a primer that is specifically designed for use on plastic surfaces, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

After the Primer Has Dried

After the primer has dried, you can apply the paint to the surface of the shower. Again, look for a paint that is specifically designed for use on plastic surfaces, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

It is important to note that painting a plastic shower is not a permanent solution, and the paint may eventually chip or peel over time. However, with proper preparation and application, you can extend the life of your plastic shower and give it a fresh new look.

If you are looking to replace your shower or tub unit completely visit this link.  Showers / tubs for mobile homes shipped right to your doorstep.  

Read our article on Mobile Home Bathroom Remodel Ideas.


                             How to Fix a Broken Plastic Tub

If you have a broken plastic tub, don’t worry, it can be fixed. Here’s how:

Assess the Damage

Start by assessing the damage to your plastic tub. If the damage is minor, such as a small crack or chip, you can fix it yourself. However, if the damage is significant, you may need to replace the entire tub.


Prepare the Surface

Before you can apply the patching material, you need to prepare the surface of the tub. Start by cleaning the damaged area with soap and water. Then, use sandpaper to roughen up the surface. This will help the patching material adhere better.


Apply the Patching Material

Once the surface is prepared, you can apply the patching material. There are many different types of patching materials available, so be sure to choose one that is specifically designed for plastic. Apply the patching material according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Here is a great bathtub & shower epoxy repair kit.  This will be shipped right to your home.  

Sand and Paint

After the patching material has dried, use sandpaper to smooth out any rough spots. Then, you can paint the tub to match the rest of your bathroom. Be sure to use a paint that is specifically designed for plastic.


                  Conclusion on How to Paint a Tub

In conclusion, fixing a broken plastic tub is possible with the right tools and materials. By following these steps, you can have your tub looking like new again in no time.

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               FAQ’s:  Can I Paint a Plastic Tub and Shower

What is the best paint for plastic shower walls?

The best paint for plastic shower walls is a high-quality acrylic or epoxy paint specifically formulated for plastic surfaces. These paints adhere well and are moisture-resistant, making them suitable for the unique demands of a shower environment.

Can plastic shower be painted?

Yes, you can paint plastic shower walls. To do so effectively, you should use the appropriate acrylic or epoxy paint and ensure thorough cleaning and surface preparation for the paint to adhere properly and withstand moisture.

What paint do you use on a plastic bath?

For a plastic bath, it’s recommended to use acrylic or epoxy paint designed for plastic surfaces. These paints are resilient and capable of withstanding the conditions in a bathroom.

Can you paint an acrylic tub and shower?

Yes, you can paint an acrylic tub and shower, but it’s crucial to select a specialized acrylic paint made for these surfaces. Proper surface preparation is essential to ensure the paint adheres well and can endure exposure to water and moisture in a bathroom setting.

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