Mobile Home Pellet Stoves: Installation & Top Picks

Are you looking for an efficient and eco-friendly heating solution for your mobile home? Look no further than a mobile home pellet stove! 

                         Mobile Home Pellet Stoves

In this article Mobile Home Pellet Stoves: Installation & Top Picks we will discuss all your need to know about pellet stoves in your mobile home.

These stoves use compressed sawdust pellets as fuel, which are easy to store and transport. Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they also offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional wood stoves.

The US Stove Company offers a variety of mobile home pellet stove models with different features and heating capacities. Some models even come equipped with an automatic igniter, making it easy to start a fire. However, proper installation of vents and pipes is crucial for safe operation of a mobile home pellet stove.

But what exactly is a wood pellet stove? It’s essentially a stove that burns small pellets made from compressed sawdust or other organic materials. These pellets produce minimal emissions and ash compared to traditional wood stoves. Plus, they’re much easier to handle than logs or other types of fuel.

Consider factors such as the size of your home, your heating needs, and your budget. The US Stove Company offers various models with different features such as programmable thermostats and remote controls.

So where can you find these stoves and their parts? Look no further than your local mobile home parts store or online retailers such as Amazon .


Check out this link for a wide selection of Pellet Stoves.  These will ship directly to your doorstep.

Regulations and Requirements for Pellet Stoves in Mobile Homes

If you’re considering installing a pellet stove in your mobile home, it’s essential to know that there are specific regulations and requirements you need to follow. The process may seem overwhelming, but with the right information, you can ensure your safety and compliance with state and federal laws.

EPA Certification is Necessary for Pellet Stoves Installed in Mobile Homes

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets strict standards for wood-burning stoves’ emissions, including pellet stoves. Any pellet stove installed in a mobile home must meet these standards to reduce the risk of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning.

The EPA certification ensures that the stove meets safety standards while reducing air pollution. Before purchasing a pellet stove for your mobile home, check its certification label or consult with an expert to ensure it meets the EPA’s regulations.

Clearance Requirements for Pellet Stoves in Mobile Homes Are Stricter Than Those for Traditional Homes

Clearance refers to the distance between the stove and combustible materials such as walls, floors, ceilings, or furniture. In traditional homes, clearance requirements vary depending on the type of stove and manufacturer specifications.

However, clearance requirements are stricter in mobile homes since they are more susceptible to fires than traditional homes due to their smaller size. According to HUD requirements 84-24C & D section 3280-707(b), any pellet stove installed in a mobile home must have at least three inches of clearance from all sides of combustible material.

Any wall protection behind or adjacent to the stove should be non-combustible material like ceramic tiles or sheet metal with one-inch airspace between them. This requirement ensures that heat from the stove doesn’t cause any damage or ignite nearby materials.

Outside Air Intake is Necessary for Pellet Stoves Installed in Mobile Homes

Pellet stoves require oxygen to burn fuel efficiently; therefore, they need a steady supply of air. In traditional homes, the stove can draw air from the room where it’s installed.

However, mobile homes are more airtight than traditional homes; therefore, outside air intake is necessary for pellet stoves installed in them. The outside air kit ensures that the stove doesn’t compete with other appliances for oxygen and prevents backdrafts that could cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

What Makes a Pellet Stove Mobile Home Approved?

A pellet stove must meet specific requirements to be approved for mobile home installation. Firstly, it must have an EPA certification label indicating that it meets safety standards while reducing pollution emissions.

Secondly, clearance requirements for pellet stoves in mobile homes are stricter than those for traditional homes. Any pellet stove installed in a mobile home must have at least three inches of clearance from all sides of combustible material.

Thirdly, outside air intake is necessary for pellet stoves installed in mobile homes to ensure they have enough oxygen to burn fuel efficiently without competing with other appliances or causing backdrafts.

What Makes a Wood Stove Mobile Home Approved?

Wood stoves also require specific regulations and requirements before installation in mobile homes.

Types of Pellet Stoves Suitable for Use in Mobile Homes

If you live in a mobile home and are looking for an efficient heating source, a pellet stove may be just what you need. Pellet stoves are eco-friendly, cost-effective, and easy to use. However, not all pellet stoves are suitable for use in mobile homes.

Freestanding Pellet Stoves

Freestanding pellet stoves are the most common type used in mobile homes due to their compact size and ease of installation. These stoves come in various sizes and styles, so you can choose one that fits your home’s decor. They also have a hopper that holds the pellets, which means you don’t have to refill it as often as other types of stoves.


   Check out this link for a wide selection of Pellet Stoves.  These will ship directly to your doorstep.


One advantage of freestanding pellet stoves is that they’re portable. If you move to another location or decide to sell your mobile home, you can take the stove with you. These stoves come with various safety features such as automatic shut-off switches and heat shields to prevent fires.

Wall-Mounted Pellet Stoves

Wall-mounted pellet stoves are a good option for mobile homes with limited floor space. These stoves hang on the wall like a flat-screen TV and don’t take up any floor space. They’re also more energy-efficient than freestanding models since they release heat directly into the room rather than losing heat through ducts.

However, wall-mounted pellet stoves require professional installation since they need to be mounted securely on the wall. You’ll also need to install venting pipes through an exterior wall or roof since these models don’t have chimneys.

You might be interested in our article: Mobile Home Approved Wood Stoves – Installation Guide

Pellet Stove Inserts

Pellet stove inserts can be installed into existing fireplaces in mobile homes, providing an efficient heating source while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of the fireplace. These inserts are designed to fit into the opening of your existing fireplace and vent through a chimney or flue.

One advantage of pellet stove inserts is that they’re easy to install. They don’t require any structural changes to your home, and you can use your existing chimney or flue. They come with various safety features such as automatic shut-off switches and heat shields to prevent fires.

When choosing a pellet stove for your mobile home, consider factors such as size, heating capacity, efficiency rating, and safety features. It’s also important to choose a reputable dealer who sells high-quality stoves and provides installation and maintenance services.

Here are some frequently asked questions about pellet stoves in mobile homes:

  • What’s the best pellet stove for a mobile home? The best pellet stove for a mobile home depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consider factors such as size, heating capacity, efficiency rating, safety features, and price when choosing a stove.

  • Can you put a pellet stove in a mobile home? Yes, you can put a pellet stove in a mobile home. However, not all types of stoves are suitable for use in mobile homes.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Properly Install a Pellet Stove in a Mobile Home

Determine the Best Location to Place the Pellet Stove in Your Mobile Home

Before installing your pellet stove, you need to determine the best location for it. First, make sure that you have enough space for the stove and its venting system. You should also consider the layout of your mobile home and how it will affect heat distribution.

The ideal location for a pellet stove is in a central area of your home, such as the living room. This will allow for even heat distribution throughout your mobile home. Keep in mind that you should not install your pellet stove near combustible materials or furniture.

Choose the Right Model of Pellet Stove for Your Mobile Home

Choosing the right model of pellet stove is crucial when installing one in your mobile home. You need to choose a model that is specifically designed for use in mobile homes.

Look for models with lower heating outputs since mobile homes are typically smaller than traditional homes. You should also look for stoves with safety features such as an automatic shut-off switch if it overheats or tips over.

Call a Professional to Help You with the Installation Process

Installing a pellet stove can be challenging, especially if you have no experience doing so. It’s always best to call a professional to help with installation, particularly when dealing with venting systems and electrical connections.

A professional installer will ensure that everything is installed correctly and safely. They can also advise you on any additional steps or precautions needed during installation.

Prepare the Floor Where You Will Install the Pellet Stove

Preparing your floor before installing your pellet stove is essential to ensure proper ventilation and stability. The floor where you will install your pellet stove must be non-combustible, level, and sturdy enough to support its weight.

You can use materials like concrete board, ceramic tile, or sheet metal to create a non-combustible surface. It’s also important to ensure that there is enough clearance between the stove and any combustible materials.

Follow the Step-by-Step Guide for Proper Pellet Stove Installation

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install your pellet stove in your mobile home:

  1. Choose the location where you will install your pellet stove.

  2. Prepare the floor by creating a non-combustible surface.

  3. Install the venting system, following manufacturer instructions and local building codes.

  4. Connect the electrical wiring, following manufacturer instructions and local building codes.

  5. Install any additional components, such as an ash pan or hopper extension.

  6. Test your pellet stove to ensure it’s working correctly.

Safety Tips for Using a Pellet Stove in a Mobile Home

If you live in a mobile home and want to use a pellet stove to heat your space, it’s essential to follow safety tips. While pellet stoves are an efficient and cost-effective way of heating your home, they can also pose a fire hazard if not used correctly. Here are some tips to ensure that you use your mobile home pellet stove safely.

Keep the Pellet Stove Clean and Well-Maintained

Keeping your pellet stove clean and well-maintained is crucial to prevent fires. Regularly clean the ash pan, chimney, venting system, and other components of the stove as per the manufacturer’s instructions. A buildup of creosote or debris can cause fires or blockages that could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Use High-Quality Pellets

Using high-quality pellets that are recommended by the manufacturer is vital for safe operation. Low-quality pellets may contain impurities such as dirt or rocks that can damage the stove’s components or cause it to malfunction, leading to potential hazards.

Install Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas that can be fatal if inhaled in large amounts. Installing a carbon monoxide detector in your mobile home near the pellet stove is essential for safety purposes. Test the detector regularly and replace its batteries once every six months.

Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing, operating, and maintaining your mobile home pellet stove. The manual will provide specific guidelines on how to install the stove correctly, operate it safely, and maintain it effectively. Failure to follow these instructions may result in hazardous conditions.

Comparison of Pellet Stoves for Mobile Homes: Top Picks

Quality Matters When Choosing a Mobile Home Pellet Stove

A pellet stove can be an efficient and cost-effective option. However, not all pellet stoves are created equal, and quality should be a top priority when choosing one for your mobile home.

One of the best options on the market is ComfortBilt, which offers high-quality pellet stoves with a range of features to fit your specific needs and budget. But what sets ComfortBilt apart from other brands?

Firstly, ComfortBilt’s pellet stoves are made with durable materials that ensure longevity and reliability. They also feature advanced technology that maximizes efficiency and reduces emissions. This means you’ll get more heat for less fuel, saving you money in the long run while minimizing your carbon footprint.

Top Picks for Mobile Home Pellet Stoves

So, what are some of the top picks for mobile home pellet stoves? Here are some options to consider:

  1. ComfortBilt HP22i Pellet Stove – This model is designed specifically for mobile homes and features a compact size that makes it easy to install in tight spaces. It has a heating capacity of up to 2,800 square feet and an impressive 50-pound hopper capacity that allows for extended burn times.

  2. Pleasant Hearth PH50CABPS Cabinet Style Pellet Stove – This stylish option features a sleek design that will complement any decor style. It has a heating capacity of up to 2,200 square feet and boasts an impressive 120-pound hopper capacity.

  3. US Stove Company US GW1949 Wiseway Non-Electric Pellet Stove – If you’re looking for an eco-friendly option that doesn’t require electricity or batteries, this non-electric pellet stove is worth considering. It has a heating capacity of up to 2,000 square feet and a 60-pound hopper capacity.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mobile Home Pellet Stove

When choosing a pellet stove for your mobile home, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

  1. Size – Make sure you choose a pellet stove that is appropriately sized for your mobile home. A stove that is too small won’t provide enough heat, while one that is too large will waste fuel and be less efficient.

  2. BTU Output – The British Thermal Unit (BTU) output measures the amount of heat generated by the pellet stove. Consider how much heating power you need based on the size of your mobile home and climate conditions in your area.

  3. Ease of Installation – Look for a pellet stove that is easy to install, especially if you plan on doing it yourself. Some models require professional installation, which can add to the overall cost.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Pellet Stove for a Mobile Home

If you’re looking for an efficient and eco-friendly way to heat your mobile home, then a pellet stove is an excellent option. However, not all pellet stoves are created equal, and choosing the right one can be challenging.

Size of the Pellet Stove

One of the most critical factors to consider when choosing a pellet stove for your mobile home is its size. You want to make sure that the stove you choose will fit in your space without taking up too much room. A large pellet stove may produce more heat than you need, while a small one may not provide enough warmth.

To determine what size of pellet stove is appropriate for your mobile home, you should consider the square footage of your living space. As a general rule of thumb, you’ll need approximately 1 kW of heating power per 10 square meters (107 square feet) of living space. So if your mobile home has 50 square meters (538 square feet), then you’ll need at least a 5 kW pellet stove.

Hopper Size

Another factor to consider when choosing a pellet stove for your mobile home is the size of its hopper and how often it needs to be refilled. The hopper is where you store the wood pellets that fuel the stove’s fire.

A smaller hopper will require frequent refilling, which can be inconvenient if you don’t have easy access to wood pellets or don’t want to refill it every day. On the other hand, larger hoppers can hold more wood pellets but take up more space in your mobile home.

When selecting a pellet stove with an appropriate hopper size, look for one that strikes the right balance between convenience and efficiency.

Adjustable Heat Output

In addition to the size of the pellet stove, you should also consider its heat output. A pellet stove with adjustable heat output can help you better control the temperature in your smaller living space.

When choosing a pellet stove with adjustable heat output, look for one that allows you to adjust the temperature easily and accurately. Some models come with remote controls or thermostats that make it easy to regulate the temperature from a distance.

Ease of Installation

Finally, when selecting a pellet stove for your mobile home, you should consider how easy it is to install. Mobile homes often have unique requirements.  So you want to make sure that the pellet stove you choose is compatible with your home’s layout and ventilation system.

Look for a pellet stove that comes with clear installation instructions and is designed specifically for mobile homes. You may also want to consult with an HVAC professional before making your purchase to ensure that your new pellet stove will work correctly in your mobile home.

Mobile Home Pellet Stoves – Safe and Efficient Heating Option

In conclusion, mobile home pellet stoves are a great option for safe and efficient heating. It is important to ensure that the pellet stove you choose meets regulations and requirements for use in mobile homes. There are various types of pellet stoves suitable for use in mobile homes, and it is important to consider factors such as size, heating capacity, and ease of installation when choosing one.

Proper installation of a pellet stove in a mobile home is crucial for safety. Following a step-by-step guide can help ensure that the installation is done correctly. It is important to follow safety tips when using a pellet stove in a mobile home.

When comparing different pellet stoves for use in mobile homes, there are some top picks that stand out based on their features and user reviews. However, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Overall, if you are looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to heat your mobile home during the colder months, consider investing in a high-quality pellet stove.

                 Mobile Home Pellet Stoves: FAQs

1. Can I install a regular wood-burning stove in my mobile home instead of a pellet stove?

No, it is not recommended to install a regular wood-burning stove in your mobile home due to safety concerns. Mobile homes have specific regulations regarding heating systems that must be followed to ensure safety.

2. How often do I need to clean my mobile home pellet stove?

It is recommended to clean your mobile home pellet stove at least once per week during usage. This includes emptying ash from the firebox and cleaning the glass door.

3. Are there any special requirements for venting a pellet stove in my mobile home?

Yes, there are specific requirements for venting a pellet stove in a mobile home that must be followed for safety reasons. It is recommended to hire a professional installer who has experience with mobile home pellet stove installations.

4. Can I use a pellet stove as my primary heating source in my mobile home?

Yes, a high-quality pellet stove can be used as the primary heating source in your mobile home. However, it is important to choose one with adequate heating capacity for your specific needs.

5. How much do mobile home pellet stoves typically cost?

The cost of a mobile home pellet stove varies depending on factors such as size, features, and brand. On average, they can range from $1,000 to $3,000 or more.


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